Helping Haiti...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I recently discovered .Photographers for Haiti. It is a group of photographers from across the country that have come together to donate their time and talent to help the people of Haiti. And I'm proud to say that I am one of them.
*Danita's Children is an orphanage in Haiti and is home to 75 children. Danita's mission is to rescue, love, and care for orphans.
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and home to over 450,000 orphans.
When Danita moved there in 1999 she knew that Haiti was a place in desperate need of orphan care.
Danita saw children in need everywhere she looked. There was no governmental infrastructure to help the children, no social organizations, and no shelter for the children to go to. Orphans were left to roam the streets, begging for food, and in the end, to repeat the cycle of poverty that left their parents either dead or too poor to care for them. She knew something had to be done.
Danita took in her first orphan in January of 2000. With his arrival, Hope for Haiti Children'sCenter became a reality.
Danita's Children/Hope for Haiti Children's Center is now home to 75 children and educates nearly 600 children at Hope for Haiti school.
Now Danita and her team are reaching out to help the children in Port au Prince. They have been able to rescue and take in many children who were affected by the earthquake. They've also been able to provide aid and housing for the children of some orphanages that collapsed during the earthquake. Danita's has become a place of refuge and hope for family members and their children who were displaced and had nowhere to go. They have taken in several 'children-in-waiting'...children who don't yet know if their family members survived the earthquake. Danita's is working with the Red Cross to re-unite these children with their families.
**The pictures and information above came from